Monday, May 31, 2010


For the past five months I've miraculously avoided getting sick. No colds, no influenza, nothing. And then within five minutes of getting ready for bed last night I started to cough. I have no idea where this came from. I don't know what to call this as I don't have the flu or a cold. Just a horrible dry cough and a swollen sore throat. The only remedy for the cough is honey and the only remedy for the swollen sore throat is Tylenol. I tried gargling with salt water and taking a shower for the steam, but nothing happened. What is this??

So, today I just laid on the couch watching really boring television and eating jello. I think Sanchito really enjoyed the jello--he was the most active today than he has ever been. Steven spent his Memorial Day working on our yard and playing his computer games. I'm glad he was away from me all day; I don't want to pass this onto him. Plus, whenever he would check up on me, he'd make me laugh which would cause me to cough pitifully. I'm so happy how much Steven makes me laugh, but "not today, honey. I don't want to die from laughing at your corny jokes." And thus was our Memorial Day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pregnancy Update: 25 weeks, 1 day

I officially accepted last Thursday that I look pregnant. Sure, I've felt it but I figured I looked more fat than pregnant. Now, I look it. I went shopping the other night and a few people would look at my tummy, smile at me, and let my cart in front of them. Ahh, thanks nice people.

Monday, May 3: 22 weeks, 1 day=approx. 4 months until due date

Sanchito is getting so big! He likes to wake me up in the morning, then sleep all day long, and then kick all night long. I can push on my tummy and he'll kick back. Or if I eat some cheese, he'll wake up and move around. I can't breathe as deeply as I used to and it makes me tired and light headed quite easily. I went to sacrament meeting today but couldn't take the rest of church in fear I would faint away.
Steven and I went to our first birth class on Thursday night. There's five other couples there, along with our friends Mindy and Andrew who are due with a baby daughter a week before us. It's exciting to get Steven really involved with this pregnancy; he now understands that when my water breaks or I go into labor it doesn't mean the baby is going to pop out in five seconds. Steven wants us to be as prepapred as possible so it's fun to see how concerned he is with me, the baby, and finances (that part isn't so fun.) We've started to learn breathing techniques: I'm more of a shallow breather because I have no lung room for deep breaths. And, we've started to learn labor positions like leaning over a yoga ball for comfort or sitting in a cloud of pillows. I can't wait for our next meeting and to learn lots more!

Crazy May

My goodness! I need to get better at writing on this blog. It seems like May is going by too fast. That's what happens when I stay busy. I had my nose cauterized due to constant nose bleeds and packed with super absorbing cotton. I was out of it for a week, but a few hours after going to the doctor and getting the cotton removed my nose started gushing blood again. I have to wait until after the pregnancy to go back in and have the doctor put electricity to the capillaries. So, now I have a worse off bloody nose for a few more months. Darn my nose!

I hosted two product parties this past week (Usborne Books and Arbonne body products) and I'm pooped out! Plus, I've been cleaning/nesting like a mad woman. My goal is to get my house scrubbed and cleaned before the third trimester starts. I have just a few weeks left but each day I'm getting bigger and can't bend down as easily. Just a few more rooms to go and my house will be ready for the baby!

For Mother's Day, Steven gave me a plant. He wouldn't tell me which plant it is so I have to wait and see. Last week we had this huge storm (flooding rain, hail, and tornado warnings) and Steven went outside and covered the plant with a bowl so the hail wouldn't ruin it. So far, it hasn't died but it hasn't exactly grown. It's still green so that means it's alive, right?

Monday, May 3, 2010

2 a.m. feeding

In a few months I'll be waking up to feed my baby. As of right now, I'm just feeding myself. I have become that pregnant woman with weird cravings. Two hours ago I told Steven I needed to fill up on food for the night sleep. He was hungry too so I made him a peanut butter sandwich, and for myself, I made a egg salad sandwich. We ate in bed and Steven zonked out immediately. I thought I was satisfied too. I just went to the kitchen, took out the container of egg salad, and grabbed my Cooler Ranch Doritos, and started dipping away. IT WAS DELICIOUS!! I was in heaven: rubbing my belly, dipping my Doritos into the heavenly egg concoction, and "mmm mmm"ing all the way. Now I can sleep in peace. Too bad I'm not tired enough for that. Maybe I'll go eat some more...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pregnancy Update: 22 weeks, 1 day.

Here he is! Our little boy. This is just a snippet from the 35 minute ultrasound session we had on Tuesday, April 21. This shows his arm, his "turtle" (as the lady that gave the ultrasound called it), and his little beating heart. At the time of the ultrasound, the baby was normal weight and size for being 20 weeks. Now it's 22 weeks and he has definitely grown. I stayed home from church today as I was having round ligament pains--aka, my uterus was stretching and it hurt A LOT! I can see the baby move around in my tummy, and he's getting really good at punching and kicking me. Steven's even felt him kick a little--now he believes me that there is a baby inside of me. As for names, we're making a list but nothing official...probably nothing official until after I give birth so until then we are calling the baby Sanchito. We can't wait until he's here, he can have a real name, and we get to play with him!

April--What a month!

I was expecting April to be pretty boring, and here we are already May 2!

On Thursday, April 22 we had a monsoon that somehow made its way into our basement. It wasn't terrible flooding, just enough water damage that we had to move our basement furniture around to pull up the carpet to dry it out. Thank goodness my parents live nearby to drive late at night to come help us. They brought their army of fans and gave their advice and support to what we should do. We sucked up all the rain water with a rented Rug Doctor, dried the carpet with fans galore, and then cleaned the carpet one more time with ammonia and vinegar with the aid of the Rug Doctor. To make sure there was no water damage in the wall, Steven cut six inches of the wall out and stuck fans to dry up the moisture. We are now working on putting new baseboard up to cover the six inches of lacking drywall. And we did fix what caused the water coming in: a clogged gutter that made all the water trickle down the side of our house into our house. Everything is fine now and I can't wait to get things organized again.

The next day, Friday, April 23 my sister Liz came home from BYU! I'd like to be happy that she is home...but she took the Mayfield from me. Oh well. My sister Reanna and her husband Mike drove with Liz from Utah, and it was great to see them as well. We had a family day extravaganza in Denver as we visited the aquarium and the state capitol. But now Reanna and Mike are gone, and I'm stuck here at home without a Mayfield. We'll see family again in September when the baby comes.

Speaking of babies, I have lots to report. But...that is going to be a separate post.