Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh, how my heart aches

I can't sleep. I'm out of Fruit Smoothie Tums. Instead of lying in bed feeling like I'm having a constant heart attack, I've decided to get up and go about my day--even though it's almost three in the morning. So far, I've packed Steven's lunch and cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm going to pay bills. But I don't know if that's such a smart idea seeing that the witching hour draws near and I'm about to pass out from sleep deprivation. I haven't even had the baby yet and I can't sleep! But I'm not about to waddle my 9-month pregnant butt into Wal-Mart this late in the night/early in the morning. There are weird people out and about this pregnant ladies who are looking to overdose on Tums.

We're still waiting. Of course. I had my 39 week check up today. Oh boy, did it hurt when the doctor checked to see how far along I am. I wanted an epidural just for those 30 seconds she was poking around. I was thinking maybe I was 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced because it hurt so much. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I'm still 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. But the doctor says I can burst any day now. Let's hope it's soon before Aunt Jess and Uncle Christian get here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds like "nesting" to me. that means any day now right? good luck becky, this is you body's way of getting you ready for sleepless nights!