Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The waiting game

Hello. I am Jess, Becky's most fabulous big sister (though she is bigger than me). I am transcribing Becky's blogpost as she bounces on her yoga ball in the hospital (or rather...she is supposed to be bouncing). The following are the words of Becky:

We got here at 5:00, but it's now 9:30. They're monitoring me, but I'm not in active labor. They need to induce me; they're not sending me home, so I'm not leaving here without a baby. [Steven: They're not going separate you from the baby. LOL.] My family (Jess, Christian, Mom and my husband) are all here with me. Jess french braided my hair, so one dream has come true tonight so far. I didn't have a chance to shower before coming to the hospital, so my mom washed my feet. [Right now the nurse Marci is re-hooking me up to the ultrasound after my hour-long exercise session. Swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh.] I looks like it's going to be a long time for this baby to come. So don't expect anything big over the night. You don't need to blogstock me all night long (though I know you will anyway). That is what Twitter is for...which I don't have. So good luck. That's it.

Ok...Back to Jess. This has been quite the experience. Christian (my husband) and I are learning an awful lot--like what a crunchy placenta is (though don't ask me to describe it further). It has been so exciting...we are all running on adrenaline and ready to stay the night out (though we will probably go home when she sleeps). We'll be sure to try to update regularly (in the event that an event happens), so check back when you can! Bye for now!

1 comment:

Amber Fryar said...

You know I have/will be blog stalking until you have that sweet baby! Thanks Jess for updating us!!!