Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's Raining Babies!

Here are some pictures from my baby shower. It was so fun to be with my friends and family to celebrate. I really appriciate all the love that went into this party and all the support I've received from so many people over these past two years. It was hard getting pregnant but the friendships I made along the way really helped me along. I'm so happy to share this pregnancy with so many people. Thank you all for your love, support, and gifts!

This is what I looked like. You can't really see my lobster red sunburn--I wore pink to not make it so apparent. I had sunstroke all day so I showed up a little loopy from pain reliever.

Baby shoes! When I registered at Target, I passed all these little baby shoes and registered for four or five pairs. I didn't really think I'd get any but I received all of them! I can't wait to put them on Sanchito's little footsies.

One baby game we played was Celebrity Baby Photos. I can't remember who this one was...maybe George Clooney? I don't know!

The prizes for the baby games were these wall hangings. Very funny!

A fleece blanket my two high school friends (Cat and Lexi) made. It is beyond soft! I think I might just go take a nap with it. The trick is making sure Mayfield doesn't find it and cuddle with it.

A little baby robe for my little baby. I think I'll bathe him four times a day just to dress him up all cute after he's squeeky clean.

A little blurry but this is the baby blanket my mom crocheted. She crochets amazing blankets! Thanks Mom!

An adorable elephant outfit.

The diaper cake! I thought this was so fun! It was another game where guests guessed how many diapers it took to create this cake. I think 58...I can't remember. Look! More baby shoes!

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