Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is he here yet?!

37 weeks done, 3 more to go. I want him RIGHT NOW!!! Nothing much has happened as of late. I did grow 1 cm last week, and we'll find out on Tuesday if Sanchito has been growing too. It's getting unbelievably hard to breathe and do things. I can be active for twenty minutes or so and then I need to go rest for half an hour. My ribs on my right side have been hurting like none other. It feels as if the muscles around my ribcage are being ripped to pieces. As my tummy gets bigger, it gets droopier, thus stretching all the skin down. I am definitely going swimming this week to get the weight off. Sanchito is getting very strong. His kicks have been leaving me breathless and motionless. If only he could kick the amniotic sack open and finally be born.

Poor Mayfield. I think he realizes that something cuter than him is coming. While my mom and I sorted baby clothes, he fell asleep in the pile. I covered him with all the blankies I received at the baby shower.

37 weeks. Bleh.

My awesome baby bag. I love the pattern and colors. It's made out of material that is easy to wipe down and the inside has lots of pockets.

Our Snuggle Nest! This is one item I have been very excited about. I saw it in a magazine and knew right away that I wanted it. It'll keep the baby near us at night, and the railings will keep us from rolling onto our child. I hope the baby likes it as much as we do.

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