Tuesday, August 3, 2010

35 Week Check-Up

I look like a watermelon!

I'm 35 weeks, 3 days today! Sanchito's heart rate was in the 150's, which is good. But I haven't grown in the past week and a half, so the doctor had me get an ultrasound to check weight and measurements. So, I officially say that I am small for being due in one month. The baby's head is of average size of a 32 cm circumference. However, his stomach is on the small side measuring in the 12th percentile. Anything 10 and lower is not good but for right now things are okay. For half an hour we monitored Sanchito on the ultrasound machine. We watched him breathe, move around, stretch, move his fingers and toes and he's doing just fine. He weighs in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces. My next check up is in one week from today. It's too soon to tell anything so I hope I grow in the next seven days. Delivery can go one of two ways: if he's not really growing anymore, I'll be induced for an early labor. Or, if he's slowly growing then it'll be a late labor. I'm not too concerned right now because he moves around a lot and nothing else unusual showed up in the ultrasound. That's about it for the check up. Oh, even though he has a month to go, he doesn't have a lot of hair on his little head. I was imagining he'd pop out with a full head of dark curly hair. He'll just be a baldy, I guess.

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