Sunday, November 14, 2010

Once Upon an Ammon

Once upon a time, there lived the cutest baby in the world. His name was Ammon.

Ammon didn't want to go to sleep one night. He just laid in his crib smiling and continued being the cutest baby there ever was.

When Ammon was just one month old he weighed 11 pounds. His cute little body measured 22 inches. Mama thought he was such a big baby until one day....

...Ammon went to the doctor for his 2 month check-up. He weighed 15 pounds, 3 ounces!! He measured at 24 and a half inches. Now that is a big baby!! He was in the 99% for his weight and the 91% for his height. He's already wearing 6 month old clothes!

But Ammon didn't care that he was so big. He just cares if he's the cutest baby there ever was.

And so Ammon continues to live so happily being oh so cute. The end of this post.

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