Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baby Baby

WOW! 90 more days until little Chito comes to live with us! We have so much to do, and I hope we can get it all done before September.

This past week I've had a horrible cold, and I've missed medicine terribly. I've gone from a cold, to a sinus infection, to an almost ear infection, and now a rattling cough. I've also lost weight from having no appetite--it's hard to eat when you can't taste anything! But the baby is still alive and doing well. Now, I just need to stay alive and get better.

Bah. Here I am sick but posing for my monthly photo of pregnant growth. Sunday, June 6, 2010: 27 weeks, 1 day pregnant/a little over 6 months pregnant; 90 days/3 months to go.

Aww, look at our baby. Just kidding. That's my doll I've dressed up in some of Sanchito's clothes. And that is our infant carrier seat. I really like the handle. I can't wait until he gets here!!

1 comment:

James Estrada said...

Hi Becky, You may think this is James but it is really Kim and Analisa and James. You're cute! We love all your photos! Sorry you're sick. We hope you feel better soon. We can hardly wait to meet The Newcomer!