Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting back to normal

I'd say our little family is getting back to normal with a schedule. I stay at home with Ammon while Steven works. We have family come over on Saturday to watch Ammon so Steven and I can catch up on yard work and house chores. We've been to church three times now, and Ammon sleeps through all three hours. I thought by October it'd be snowing since it always does but we haven't had any snow yet! We've had such great weather that I bought a stroller last week and have gone a few walks with the baby. It's great getting out of the house--Ammon and I both get pretty antsy and grumbley if we're inside all day. Right now life is wonderful and it feels great to be almost back to normal.

Ammon is growing up so fast! At 7 weeks, he weighs 13 pounds and 8 ounces. I've had to put away so many of his baby clothes. It makes me sad to see such cute outfits be put away but at least I can say that he wore every outfit! He started smiling last week and it just melts our hearts. For Halloween he was the cutest Tootsie Roll and everyone wanted to gobble him right up. He just gets cuter and cuter every day!

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