Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Crunchy crunchy

I had my last prenatal check up today. What we found was that I am still 2 cm dilated with no signs of labor. So, why am I going to the hospital right now? I only have 2 cm of amniotic fluid left. (They measure fluid by cm on an ultrasound.) The average amount of fluid of a laboring woman is 10 cm. The doctors start to get worried when the fluid is 5 cm. Well, I'm 2 cm so they are going to induce labor. First, they will break my waters. If that doesn't start contractions, then I will be given pitocin. I'm all packed and ready to go. Steven is finishing up putting the car seat in the car. I'm going to faint. My last meal was a sloppy joe. I won't be able to eat anything until I've given birth.

Oh, yeah. This post is called "Crunchy crunchy" because my placenta is calcifying--pooping out on me--and will be crunchy. Ahh, all the information you get from me about my pregnancy. Pray for us that all will go well! Thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

Oh wow, I hope everything goes fine with the delivery. I was fully expecting you to have a baby before now. You're in my prayers.

A.M.P. said...

I'm so excited for you, I hope everything goes well. My mother's placenta broke open when she was pregnant with me, and we nearly bled to death. So a crunchy placenta is better than a broken one!