Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Nursery!

I can't believe we finally have our baby's room already to go! For more than a year, this room has been known as "the back bedroom." I referred to as the Room of Requirement as it turned into whatever room I needed it to be. But mostly, it was a junk room where all our mess went that we didn't want to clean up. But now it is officially the baby's nursery.



For its conversion, we baptized the walls in a light cucumber green paint. We don't have an official crib yet. We're going to buy a brand new one a few months when the baby gets bigger and grows out of the small portable crib that was donated to us. I still need to do some finishing touches like make cute curtains, put up some pictures on the wall, and put some shelving up.

A few months ago, we went to the Salvation Army to look at furniture. I knew I did NOT want a brand new dresser from Wal-Mart or Target that was going to fall apart within a year. The cheapest dressers I could find from those stores go around $100 and they are made of particle board, aka the sausage of wood. We went to the Salvation Army to look for a real dresser made out of real wood and found one in amazing condition for $60. We also saw a glider rocking chair for $40 but we figured $100 was pushing it for our baby monthly budget. We went to purchase the dresser and found out, since it was Memorial weekend, everything was half off including furniture! We were so happy to be able to buy both the dresser and the glider for $60! Our thriftiness really paid off. My family came over in the beginning of July to help us paint the baby's room, strip the dresser for painting, and fix up the rocking chair. I'm so glad everything turned out so well!



Unknown said...

That's a really cute, and resourceful, idea with the dresser! I feel your pain about wood sausage...blah. I'll have to remember that for when the time comes to paint baby furniture!

Lisa Cook said...

Oh, cute nursery! I am so impressed with your goodwill finds and craftiness. Wish you were nearby to help me out! Can't wait to see pics of your little guy!