Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Not too much has happened this week. Mayfield is on vacation at my parent's house. I miss having my cuddle muffin with me but he'll be home tomorrow. I play a game with Mayfield where he sits/stands while I throw clothes on him as I'm sorting laundry. He's just so patient while I do such silly things to him. On Easter Sunday my dad covered him in newspaper the same way I would cover him in my clothes. He knows to behave because we always give him a treat for his cuteness.
Pregnancy update: I don't know if I've mentioned on here but I've had a hard time keeping eggs and milk down. If the products are cooked like in a cake then I don't throw it up. But a bowl of cereal or scrambled eggs makes me sick all day long. I have another item to add to the list: sugar. I can't live without sugar!!!! It doesn't make me sick to my tummy but it's been doing odd things to my body. I went to the doctor's on Monday to see what was up, and the doctor was surprised I wasn't a diabetic due to what's been going on. (And what's been going on is too TMI for this blog.) He says I shouldn't have sugar for the next two weeks to see if my condition has improved for my next visit. The first night I was dreaming of eating candy! I just miss my popsicles. I could have the fake sugar like splenda but that gives me migraines. He told me to just cut out the sugar from candy, popsicles, cookies, fruit snacks and sugary cocktail beverages but the sugar from 100% juice is fine along with the natural sugars that come from fruits and other natural foods. I forgot to mention about what I've been using instead of milk. I've tried chocolate soy milk, chocolate almond milk, and chocolate rice milk and the winner of my taste buds is the chocolate soy milk. It most resembles a yoohoo and I can live with that. I just bought the vanilla soy milk and I like that just as much as it resembles normal milk. So, I'm still eating my bowls of cereal--the cereal without the sugar! I NEED my lucky charms!!! *sigh* Oh well. I'm just happy to be as healthy as I am! If anyone has any suggestions for ice cream, please let me know! If I can't have popsicles or milk ice cream, I need something for a special snack!!

Too many messes in my kitchen

I can't stand cleaning my kitchen anymore! It seems like everyday I have an hours worth of rinsing dishes, loading dishes, unloading dishes, cleaning counter tops, etc. Now that I've moved on from first trimester sickness woes, I'm cooking more which means I'm cleaning more. The whole month of February we ate microwavable dinners via Marie Calender or we went out or got take out. Now, I want to be more healthy and cook more meals at home. I love cooking...just the cleaning up part makes me sad. I need to be very grateful for what I have right now, though. Before in our tiny little apartment we didn't have a dishwasher or a garbage disposal. Just one sink and a trashcan to clean up our kitchen. I just need to stop complaining. I'm only 22, have 0 kids, and a thousand futures worth of dirty dishes to clean. Sometimes it just makes me so sad and discouraged. That's why right now I'm not cleaning but blogging.

Speaking of cleaning, I have a product to endorse. Five years ago I used a Mr. Clean magic eraser to clean some things up and it didn't work at all. It was just a very soft sponge. So, a few days ago my friend Amber suggested I use the new Mr. Clean bath scrubber to make my tub white again. I wasn't too keen on Mr. Clean since our last encounter five years ago but I picked up a package of scrubbers, along with Lime Away just in case they didn't work. Today, I used Lime Away first to see if it could get rid of the hard water stains, which it kind of did. My tub wasn't exactly sparkling like I anticipated so I grabbed Mr. Clean and started scrubbing him away on my stains. And I couldn't believe it! It actually worked! I actually have a white tub like a brand new white tub. So, if you're out there battling soap scum and hard water stains by yourself, just got pick up Mr. Clean to help you out! I hope it works for you as well as it did for me!